Daniele Rotolo, PhD
Professor in Science, Technology and Innovation Policy – SPRU, University of Sussex Business School
Associate Professor - Department of Mechanics, Mathematics and Management, Politecnico di Bari
Research projects

CANCERSCREEN: Screening for cancer in the post-genomic era
Funder: ERC Starting Grant, European Commission
Role: Co-I
Partners: Cambridge University, University of Sussex, King’s College London
Period: 2017-2021
Budget: 1,347,992€

Deep Transition: Learning from history to image the future
Funder: James Anderson and Baillie Gifford & Co
Role: Co-I
Partners: -
Period: 2018-2020
Budget: ~ £1,500,000
Role: PI (for the SPRU team)
Partners: Technopolis Group, University of Sussex
Period: 2016-2016
Budget: £67,870
Funder: JRC-IPTS, European Commission
Role: PI
Partners: -
Period: 2015-2016
Budget: £25,371
Funder: European Commission, IOF Marie Curie Fellowship
Role: PI
Partners: University of Sussex, Georgia Institute of Technology
Period: 2014-2016
Budget: £129,422
Funder: Cancer Research UK
Role: Co-I
Partners: Office of Health Economics (OHE), University of Sussex
Period: 2012-2013
Budget: £59,850
© 2014 Daniele Rotolo